Every Sabbath morning at 9:30 - 11:00 am for Adult and Young Adult Classes. When you join, you will be placed in your respective class room for lesson review after the preliminaries. After Sabbath School ends at 11 am, you can chose to watch the divine service here on Zoom or switch to watching on Youtube.
Meeting ID: 881 5585 9485
Passcode: 443036
Meeting ID: 83467678019
Hosted by: Fayette SDA
Join us every 2nd and 4th Sabbath afternoon at 5:00 pm for an in-depth study of the Bible led by the Pastor.
ZOOM ID: 834 6767 8019
Password: study
Meeting ID: 83423933714
Hosted by: Fayette SDA
The excitement never ends as you share in our Adventist Youth meeting.
ZOOM ID: 834 2393 3714
Password: 890854
Wednesday night Prayer & Praise meetings and other special/occasional meetings occurring on weekday(s).
Meeting ID: 82988246095
Hosted by: Fayette SDA
Wednesday night at 7:00 pm. Join us as we commune with God through study, testimony and prayer.
Zoom ID 829 8824 6095
Password: 707003
Click link above to join the study slot you signed up for. Please add your study time to your calendar so you can be reminded.
Meeting ID: 822 7122 9988
Passcode: 219434
Meeting ID: 85682358879
Hosted by: Fayette SDA
Use for non-scheduled or pop-up meetings that do not require specific invitation.
ZOOM ID: 856 8235 8879
Passcode: 506870
Please click on this link to join a scheduled Zoom Youth Daniel Study. Alternatively, you may join the meeting with the following credentials:
Meeting ID: 893 3944 2156
Passcode: 8425305
Please Read our Zoom Meeting etiquette:
1. Sign in to the meeting with a recognizable name (not “iPad, Galaxy, etc.) or identify yourself in the chat when you sign in.
2. Dress appropriately (do not show nudity nor otherwise offensive images).
3. Eliminate distracting background sounds or keep your microphone muted when not actively speaking in the meeting.
4. If using your camera,
5. If selected to speak, remember to refrain from inappropriate words and expressions. Turn your camera on when speaking.
Please note that we may be forced to mute microphones and/or turn off cameras or remove persons from the meeting for failing to follow these etiquette guidelines.